constructed a couple of treemaps of the New Zealand Stock Exchange, and thought you may be interested in viewing them.
In the attached treemaps, each listed company on the NSZX is represented by a coloured box. The size of the boxes are determined by the market capitalisation of each company, and the colour of the boxes are determined by their performance on the NZSX from the start of the year to July (A deep red shade indicates very poor performance, a deep Green shade indicates very good performance, and lighter shades indicate less extreme positive or negative performance).
The first treemap shows the contribution of each sector (i.e. services, property, primary, goods, investment, energy) to the overall size of the NZSX. In the second treemap, each box/company is in the same position as the first treemap, and is identified by their three-letter-code. A good test to check your knowledge of the NZSX would be to try and name as many of these companies as possible.

It would be great to know what you think about these graphics and the improvements that could be made to improve them.